Fig.1 Initial Snow 140x73.5cm Oil on canvas 布面油画1979
图1 初雪
Fig.2 Green Rain 90.5x75cm Oil on canvas 布面油画1981
图2 绿雨
Fig.3 Artist’s Mother 130 x66cm Oil on canvas 布面油画1982
图3 画家的母亲
十年前,我曾撰写一篇关于王怀庆的短文,后来收入他2007年在上海美术馆展览的画册中。此时读来,仍觉不愧,因此文抓住了这位艺术家天赋与个性的些许精华,由此筹划王怀庆此次西雅图艺术博物馆展览的姚进莊(Josh Yiu)博士仍容我在此向不熟悉上海美术馆展览图册中文章的读者再做一次解读。
我们认识他的时候,怀庆是当时现当代油画团体之一,被称为“同代人画会”中的引领者。他的作品在那时就已突显了力度与成熟,画作多取材于妻子、女儿、朋友、邻居之肖像及周围的生活环境(图2-3)。这些作品自然而亲切,且充满了对色彩与构成有时可谓是大胆的强烈感受,见诸于他在1987年的画作《弹吉他的女子》。1980年怀庆的成名之作《伯乐》,此作显著超前于那个时代,其虽选材于传统,却对当今中国意味深长,而怀庆更从形式与结构上对画作赋予了新的意味,这代表着在中国现当代绘画中对形式主义开始重新探索的重要转折。甚至那一时期的习作,以对一近邻老妇人(其本人为艺术家)的写生为代表,其基于形式上的构图安排与画面空间充盈着由暗哑设色构成的微妙和谐感都已超越了常规写生。[注:为1982年作品 《画家的母亲》-图4]
Michael Sullivan
2010年5月 牛津
Ten years ago, I wrote a short essay about Wang Huaiqing, which was later published in the catalogue for his important exhibition of 2007 in the Shanghai Art Museum. Reading it again, I am not ashamed of it, for I feel that it catches something of the essence of that artist’s talent and character. So Josh Yiu, who has mounted this fine exhibition in the Seattle Art Museum, is kindly allowing me to reproduce it for readers unfamiliar with the Shanghai catalogue.
Does it say it all? Surely not! Josh’s deeply thoughtful and informative essay fills out the picture of his career, so what is there left for me to say?
One thing that stands out is Wang Huaiqing’s absolute integrity. Today famous avant-garde artists, who in the late 1980s and early 1990s were producing work—partly in protest, partly in satire—of great power and originality, are today, with the help of an army of assistants, making fortunes turning out endless variations of the works that had brought them notoriety, and have become conspicuously wealthy in the process.
Wang Huaiqing does not belong in their company. If he is wealthy (and I have no way of knowing weather he is or not), he shows no sign of it. He is totally dedicated to his art, and now that people are waking up to the shallowness of so much of the contemporary Chinese art scene, they recognize that here is a major figure, single-minded, and totally uncorrupted by success, whose work will endure.
This is what I wrote ten years ago.
Some Thoughts about Wang Huaiqing
It is both an honour and a pleasure for me to write a few words to accompany Wang Huaiqing’s new catalogue. Sixteen years ago, after our first meeting in Beijing, he remarked in a letter to me that the way the artist looked at his or her work was quite different from that of the critic. So I hope he will forgive me if, in what follows, I have in any way misunderstood him.
My wife Khoan and I well remember that first meeting, when we climbed the outside staircase of their house beside the lake to visit him and Qinghui. Their tiny flat, which was also their studio, was crammed with pictures by them both. One that was missing was Huaiqing’s portrait of their little daughter Wang Tiantian(fig. 1), which the Chinese Artists Association had sent to the Paris Salon in 1982 and had not yet been returned to him.
By the time we met him, Huaiqing was a leader among the group of modern oil painters who called themselves The Contemporaries, Tongdairen. His work was already remarkably strong and mature. The subject matter of his paintings was chiefly portraits of his wife and daughter, friends and neighbours, and his surroundings(fig. 2-3). They are natural and intimate, yet infused with a strong—sometimes daring—feeling for colour and design, notably in his Woman with a Guitar of 1987. In his famous Bole—Judge of Horses he chose a traditional subject—albeit one with profound meaning for today’s China—infusing it with a sense of form and structure that represents a turning-point in the rediscovery of Formalism in modern Chinese painting. Even an intimate study of the old lady who lived nearby, herself a painter(fig. 4), is lifted above convention by the formal arrangement and the subtle harmony of muted colour that fills the picture space.
Huaiqing’s mentor, Wu Guanzhong, had taught people not to be afraid of Abstraction, for abstract beauty is all around us in nature, and indeed in the world that we have created for ourselves. Surely it was his influence that inspired Wang Huaiqing to take the next step in his artistic development. Wu Guanzhong had discovered the beauty of the white-walled and grey-tiled houses of the Jiangnan region. Wang Huaiqing takes us inside.
Let us accompany him vicariously on one of his moments of discovery. The occupants of the house are out, and have unaccountably left the gate open. Huaiqing evidently knows them, for we go in together and wander around, through the courtyard, down dark passages, peering into empty rooms. The house is quiet and still, for there is no one about. Through Huaiqing’s eyes we contemplate the plaster walls in subtle tones of grey and off-white; we note how the dark wood of posts and beams forms a striking contrast with the plain walls, creating an almost abstract design that is both calm and monumental.
It was from this kind of experience, if I am right—and I am only imagining it—that Huaiqing in the early 1990s created his superb series of paintings of interiors that combine a purely Chinese visual world with a feeling for abstract design. They must surely owe something, however indirectly, to modern Western artists as different as Mondrian and Franz Kline, and are all the richer for that.
It seems natural that Huaiqing, after exploring the house, should turn his attention to the things in it—not sofas and padded chairs (for that would be unthinkable!) but the austere, unadorned traditional tables, chairs and stools of everyday use. Here that wonderful eye of his reveals their simplicity, the tensile strength of their structure, the elegant patterns these objects made against the plain surface of the walls.
Much has been written about Huaiqing’s feeling for structure. Too much perhaps? Was it—and here again I am guessing—his feeling that people thought he was obsessed by structure that led him in the 1990s, quite literally, to “deconstruct” the tables and chairs by taking them apart?
But there is an inner logic, an essential “rightness” in this. We watch with wonder as he dissects a table or chair into pieces before our eyes, and sets the separate members floating free to drift like fragments of an exploded satellite across the picture surface, and off beyond it into space. The resonances of these pictures—of seeking, for example—are wholly delightful and liberating.
Does Huaiqing feel that he has exhausted this vein? Surely not. For the range of things in our visual experience that might be treated in this way is infinite. But, lest we should think that his work in this manner has become completely modern and “unhistorical,” he has produced in his brilliant “deconstruction” of the Night Banquet of Han Xizai, centerpiece of the National Art Exhibition of 1996 in Beijing, a work more subtly sophisticated and visually enthralling than anything Picasso ever achieved.
Yet even with the vast possibilities that he has opened up for the refashioning of common things, and indeed of the artistic tradition itself, Huaiqing keeps moving on. In his Macau exhibition of 1999, which he called Painting, Cutting and Repositioning, he did something entirely new and different, although these silhouettes were infused with the same feeling for form and silhouette that he showed in his Night Banquet painting. Perhaps, having achieved a work of such extraordinary formal and intellectual sophistication, Huaiqing felt the need to go back to the beginning and start again. He himself thinks these experiments with cut-outs, lively and ingenious as they are, are immature. Certainly by comparison with the profound thought, visual sensibility and poetic feeling of his house interiors and his deconstructed tables and chairs, they are very slight. We must reserve judgement. He believes in their potential and, given his imagination and capacity for emotional expression through form and color, we can only look forward with hope and confidence to what he will eventually make of them.
Since I wrote those words, ten years ago, Wang Huaiqing has, indeed, left those cut-outs behind, and moved on, constantly renewing himself to achieve an ever richer, more inventive, and more mature body of work, which is well represented in this exhibition.
Michael Sullivan
Oxford, May, 2010
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